Dr. Konstantin Staschus
Dr. Konstantin Staschus is from Berlin, Germany. He received a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Virginia Tech in the USA. After 9 years at Pacific Gas and Electric, USA, he held management positions in German utility associations, including 6 years as Managing Director of VDN, the association of over 400 German electricity transmission and distribution system operators.
In 2009 he began his mandate as founding Secretary-General of ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity in Brussels. ENTSO-E is endowed in the European Internal Energy Market legislation with legal mandates for the development of 10-year pan-European network development plans, system adequacy forecasts, enhancing operational coordination, R&D planning, and for network codes on connection conditions, market and operational rules. These codes become European binding regulations and complete the Europe-wide electricity market with necessary detailed cross-border rules.
From 8/2014 until 8/2020, Dr. Staschus was also Chair of Cigré’s Study Committee C1 on Power System Development and Economics, and from 2016 until early 2018, Chair of the European Technology & Innovation Platform “Smart Networks for Energy Transition”. From 4/2017 until 8/2023 he was a Director in Guidehouse's (before: Ecofys, Navigant) Berlin office (part-time). Since 1/2017 he is Managing Director of StaRGET GmbH in Berlin (since 1/2024 StaRGET GmbH i.L.).