Services for electricity market actors and financial investors
The energy transition towards climate neutrality and much more renewable energy may occur at different speeds and with different focus on different continents, but 3 paradigm shifts are at work everywhere in the world: More renewables (driven by low costs and climate protection), more smarts (driven by the Internet of Things), and more market (driven by generation and storage in the homes and communities, and by the need for cross-border trading to make best use of temporary wind and solar surpluses and deficits). These paradigm shifts, and corresponding legal and regulatory frameworks under constant evolution, make reliable assessments of the financial viability of investments difficult, no matter whether for power plants, networks, storage, or demand-side flexibility. Consulting offers in this context through StaRGET or through Dr. Staschus' work at Guidehouse include:
- Methodologies for and evaluation of transmission, distribution, generation and storage investments
- Support for strategic planning under evolving policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks
- Training, workshops and mediation